Meet the Classification Commission
Ms. Loleta Krige from South Africa heads up the IWBF Africa Classification Commission and is mandated to develop Classifiers throughout the Continent
Loleta Krige IWBF Africa Classification Officer 
Ms. Btihal Bouzakria from Morocco heads up the IWBF Africa Northern Zone Classification Commission and is mandated to develop Classifiers throughout the Northern Region
Btihal BouzakriaNorthern Zone Classification Officer 
Mr. Prince Adeshina Adeyemi from Nigeria heads up the IWBF Africa Western Zone Classification Commission and is mandated to develop Classifiers throughout the Western Region.
Prince Adeshina Adeyemi Western Zone Classification Officer 
Ms. Claude Kabongo from the DRC heads up the IWBF Africa Central Zone Classification Commission and is mandated to develop Classifiers throughout the Central Region
Claude KabongoCentral Zone Classification Officer 
Mr. Solomon Berhanu from Ethiopia heads up the IWBF Africa Eastern Zone Classification Commission and is mandated to develop Classifiers throughout the Eastern Region.
Solomon BerhanuEastern Zone Classification Officer 
Ms. Leandre Swanepool from South Africa heads up the IWBF Africa Southern Zone Classification Commission and is mandated to develop Classifiers throughout the Southern Region.
Leandre SwanepoolSouthern Zone Classification Officer 
IWBF Africa Classification Commission Head Contact
Ms. Loleta Krige
Tel: +27 82 426 3965
E-Mail: classification@iwbfafrica.org
Northern Zone Classification Commission Contact
Ms. Btihal Bouzakria
Tel: +21 264 550 0598
E-Mail: btihal2017@gmail.com
Western Zone Classification Commission Contact
Mr. Prince Adeshina Adeyemi
Tel: +23 480 233 57637
E-Mail: atibadeone@gmail.com
Central Zone Classification Commission Contact
Mr. Claude Kabongo
Tel: +216 20 399 216
E-Mail: kbgscott@gmail.com
Eastern Zone Classification Commission Contact
Mr. Solomon Berhanu
Tel: +251911818172
E-Mail: sberhanu@icrc.org
Southern Zone Classification Commission Contact
Ms. Leandre Swanepool
Tel: +27824414206
E-Mail: leaswa@gmail.com